Agenda for January 22 meeting

EnviroMetro Coalition Convening
Friday, January 22, 2016, 2:30 – 4:00 pm
The California Endowment Building, Suite A
1000 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA, 90012


2:30 – 2:35 pm

2:35 – 2:50 pm
Update on coalition work over the past several months
• Metro Board outreach
• Performance measures
• Environmental Policy Motion
Bryn Lindblad, Climate Resolve

2:50 – 3:00 pm
GIS mapping project
Belinda Faustinos, San Gabriel Mountains Forever
John Tangenberg, Council for Watershed Health

3:00 – 3:10 pm
Review and discuss Move LA’s strawman expenditure plan
Denny Zane, Move LA

3:10 – 3:20 pm
Update on active transportation in the expenditure plan
Eric Bruins, LACBC
Jessica Meaney, Investing in Place

3:20 – 3:50 pm
Upcoming outreach to COGs, Business and Labor
Jonathan Parfrey, Climate Resolve

3:50 – 4:00 pm
Wrap-up and any other next steps
Tori Kjer, Trust for Public Land
