EnviroMetro Coalition Meeting 3/21

Our next coalition meeting is March 21, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Location: LaKretz Innovation Campus, 525 S Hewitt St, Room 401, Los Angeles, CA 90013*

We’ll have a lot to discuss re: Metro’s Expenditure Plan and the progress being made in our technical advisory working groups. See meeting agenda below.

*The campus is a 7 minute walk from the DASH A and there are plenty of places to lock your bicycle!
Additionally, there is street parking and if you’d like to park in the LaKretz lot, there is a $5 cost, but we can provide validations for you to get your money back :).


2:30 pm – 2:35 pm  Introductions


2:35 pm – 2:40 pm Overview of EnviroMetro Campaign Timeline

Bryn Lindblad, Climate Resolve

2:40 pm – 3:30 pm Review and Group Discussion of draft Metro Expenditure Plan

Wes Reutimann, Bike San Gabriel Valley

3:30 pm – 3:50 pm Policy Updates from TACs

Reduce Emissions | Jonathan Parfrey, Climate Resolve

Enhance Equity & Health | Fernando Cazares, Trust for Public Land

AT & Greenway Network | Claire Robinson, Amigos de los Rios

Green Infrastructure | Rita Kampalath, Heal the Bay

RAMP | Paulo Perrone, Trust for Public Land

3:50 pm – 4:00 pm  Next Steps – Transit to Parks Sign On & Closing 

Belinda Faustinos, San Gabriel Mountains Forever 
