TOC Policy- Initial Complete Draft to be Presented to Metro PAC

After a few months of collaboration from Metro PAC members on the Transit Oriented Community (TOC) Policy workgroup, the first complete draft TOC policy will be presented to the Metro PAC at its upcoming meeting this Tuesday (4/3). This initial policy was drafted by the workgroup through an iterative process; one which incorporates feedback submitted by members of this coalition through various surveys completed and emails sent on the topic. Specifically, the draft expands on the purpose, definitions, goals, eligible TOC activities, and administrative procedures of the TOC policy. Although there has been discussion on including a workforce development component, it has not yet been fleshed out at the workgroup sessions nor incorporated into the policy. There will be ongoing discussion on its inclusion and subsequent next steps for implementing the policy and tracking its effectiveness.

Please let us know what you think of this complete draft of the TOC Policy. Comment below, email us at, or deliver public comment at the Metro PAC meeting on Tuesday (4/3) from 1:30-3:30 p.m at the Metro Headquarters Boardroom. Public comment is not guaranteed, but is often granted when requested. There will be 50 minutes allocated to the TOC policy at the next Metro PAC meeting, including a presentation on workgroup focus areas as well as general and led discussion on the policy. We will continue to provide updates on the TOC Policy via this blog and our newsletter, so stay tuned!
