Eligible TOC Activities — What Do You Think?

TOC Policy Section 2 Feedback & Section 1 Approval

The next Policy Advisory Council (PAC) Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy working group meeting is right around the corner (that happens quickly with bi-monthly meetings!), and we’re seeking your feedback on what will be covered there. Specifically, the meeting will launch discussion on the range of TOC activities and geographic scope that the policy will address.

To solicit your feedback, we’ve created a quick, informative and fun survey that we’d like to ask you to fill out prior to 12pm on Monday, Feb. 5. Find the survey here: https://goo.gl/forms/tWDYlnZmMphgPMmq2.

The survey covers the following information, but to read our recap of the TOC Activities section and the inaugural TOC meeting continue scrolling!

A bit more background info:

The TOC Activities outlined in this document will be used to determine what activities can qualify as eligible to receive Local Return funding, and may become part of incentive grant funding criteria at Metro, too. The goal is that activities should support communities efforts to reduce VMT and increase public transit use. The draft materials outline policies and programs that support existing Metro TOC activities as well as list TOC activities into 3 categories: general, within the 0-1/2 mile walkshed, and 0-3 mile bikeshed. These distances are based on Metro’s definition of High Quality Transit Areas (HQTA). Here is the list:

General activities around transit investments and promoting transit ridership and other non-driving mode of travel:

  • Innovative community engagement that targets harder to reach communities
  • Open streets or other events that promote multi-modal transit options
  • Discounted transit passes
  • Grants and/or technical assistance to support projects and programs that achieve TOC goals

Within the 0-1/2 mile walkshed:

  • Public improvements (including plazas and open space) that create stronger connections to transit and improve the transit rider experience
  • Affordable housing – we need to define what this means

Within the 0-3 mile bikeshed:

  • First/last mile improvements
  • Land use planning (funding regulatory documents, including CEQA, that remove regulatory barriers to enabling TOCs)
  • Feasibility studies and related activities to form tax increment financing or other special assessment districts that will support investments, infrastructure, affordable housing and other amenities that enable TOCs. The district must include at least one High Quality Transit Stop but may span a broader radius around that stop

What do you think? Are there any important activities missing? Should the geographic scope be amended? Review the draft TOC policy and let us know!  Don’t like surveys? Comment your feedback below or tell your PAC representative, Bryn Lindblad, Deputy Director of Climate Resolve, by e-mail (blindblad@climateresolve.org) or phone (213-634-3790 x 102).

TOC Policy Working Group Meeting 1/12 Recap

Last week, we joined the inaugural PAC Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy Working Group meeting to discuss the contents of the introductory section of the TOC policy. Attendees will finalize the revised version of Section 1 on February 5th, which can be viewed here with in-line edits. Take this survey and let us know if there are any red flags. (Note: The survey covers the document content, so no need to review that separately!)  

Attendees revised the purpose, key definitions and goals of the policy in this draft document. The policy paper will define TOC activities, objectives to enable and approach TOCs, and criteria for funding. The reviewed section defines transit oriented communities as communities that are designed to reduce VMTs and increase public transit usage. Attendees also stressed the inclusion of goals to maintain community diversity and prioritize funding for disadvantaged communities. Thank you to everyone who submitted their input on that last round of material!

We want to keep you updated and involved! The PAC TOC Policy Working Group convenes every other Monday, and releases meeting materials 5 days prior. Make sure to keep an eye out for our blog posts with exclusive meeting summaries and follow-up materials for your feedback!

